Friday, May 30, 2008

Gangster - Movie Reveiw (Hindi)

Its not too easy to hear “its was good” from me once I’m out of a theatre. I just don’t get involved in any kind of story.

Mahesh Bhatt ‘s film Gangster is one such marvelous movie that speaks for itself. It’s a refreshing change from the old villain and hero fights for the heroin. I’m sharing my thoughts about gangster months after watching the movie,this proves it all.

When the movie begins with a scene in the hospital where Simran and Aakash are in a serious condition, the audience is anxious to know if the couple would survive. Gangster is not a movie about crimes or glossy and glamorous artists. The movie revolves around the life of a gangster-Shiny ahuja, a man on the run. He has no place that he call his own. He is filled with pain when he gets to know his girlfriends relationship with Aakash,Kangana’s performance was stunning. An alcoholic, extremely dejected and lost soul; she tries to drown her sorrows in a bottle of liquor. She is fed up waiting to meet her soul mate. Her heart is filled with loneness.

Aakash entered into her life to put balm on her frayed nerves. And now she is entangled between two men in her life. Now she has to make a choice,Daya's arrest at the Seoul station is the climax of the story.

The songs in the movie are fantastic and can be heard ‘N’ number of times for years and years to come.The amazing blend of acidic dialogues, love songs, well-written screenplay, makes it an award-winning movie. We surrender to the charm of the movie and not to the Gun power. It is said that the movies imitates the life of Abu Salem. At the end of the movie we are deeply involved that its source is forgotten.

A film that deserves appreciation!!!

Cinema Titbits

Actress first

Lata and Asha- Once an ActressIn the beginning of their careers, the melody queens- Lata mangeshkar and Asha bholse, acted together in a film "Badi Maa" (1945).

Animated film in 1970

In 1970, a film was produced without a camera. Amazed! Barcelona artist Jose Antonio sistiaga’s exceptional 75 minute animated film – Scope, Colour, Muda .It was single handedly produced by him. He painted frame by frame directly on the film stock .

CM’s from the world of Cinema

Tamil Nadu is probably the only region in the world where 5 chief ministers have come from the film field. C.N. Annadurai and M.karunanidi were script writers.M.G. Ramachandran and his wife V.N Janaki were actors. Miss Jayalalitha was an actress too.

Oscar awards facts

In 1930, the Academy Awards were held twice: on 3 April and on 5 November. No ceremony was held in 1933. The very first person to receive an Academy Award didn't attend the first Academy Awards ceremony. Emil Jannings, the winner for Best Actor in the 1927-28 Academy Awards, had decided to go back to his home in Germany before the ceremony. Before he left for his trip, Jannings was handed the very first Academy Award.

The Longest kiss

The longest kiss in a movie is in "Andy Warhol's Kiss". Rufus Collins and Naomi Levine kissed for the entire 50 minutes of the movie.

Downloading music –an old technology

So you think downloading music from the Internet is a really cool modern thing? Not so. Music was transmitted down phone lines way back in 1876. Elisha Gray transmitted music over a telephone line in 1876 - the same year the telephone was patented Alexander Graham Bell.

Lasting Impressions

We meet a lot of people in our lives and get introduced to many different personalities. But only some create a lasting impression on our mind. Like wise when we read a book or watch a movie we get involved with the characters …. But only a few are unforgettable.

There are a certain characters that can never die, like the little brown mouse- Jerry and the frustrated cat -Tom , Alice,Cinderella, Humpty Dumpty, James bond, Spiderman ,Superman, Harrypotter, Charles Chaplin, Dracula. etc..

One cannot miss watching Tom and Jerry fight. Tom tries to eat the little mouse but in vain. The plot centers around Tom's frustrated attempts to catch Jerry. But,Tom rarely succeeds in catching Jerry, mainly because of Jerry's craftiness and cunning abilities, but sometimes because of Tom's own stupidity. Jerry also protects Tom's Prey such as ducks, canaries, or goldfish from being eaten. It's a silent cartoon with no dialogues but accompanied with music to bring out the mood and feeling of the characters. When we recall Jerry stuffing Tom's tail in a waffle iron, kicking him into a refrigerator, plugging his tail into an electric socket, it brings a smile on your face. Lately another gray little mouse foundy named Tuffy is another intersting character as he is constantly hungry. Cute !!

Did you know the creators of these interesting charecters ?? They are William Hanna and Joseph Barbera .

You must have heard of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" in your bed time stories . She is a seven-year-old English girl with lots of imagination and is fond of showing off her knowledge. She is easily put off by abruptness and rudeness of others. She follows a rabbit and falls in to a whole and has fantastic adventures.

Did you know ?? The character of Alice is based on a real girl, called Alice Liddell, who was one of the author's child-friends.

Its not easy to make some one laugh! But Charlie Chaplin is the one who brought laughter to millions worldwide. He is thought of by many as the greatest comedian of all time.He is considered to be one of the finest mimes and clowns ever caught on film and has greatly influenced performers in this field. Chaplin became one of the most famous actors as well as a notable director and musician in the early to mid Hollywood cinema era.The greatest part is that He directed and performed in his own films

Cinderella is the one we all know. Sweet, kind, naive, she remains forever lovable, but does suffer monstrously powerful fits of anger of her stepmother. The unforgettable incident is when Cinderella leaves her glass shoes behind. The Prince tried the slipper on all the maidens in the land. And we all know the rest. Many films, Books an songs were later created based in this concept.

The next character that comes on my mind is Humpty dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.”
This is another cute character. A very creative character – an egg. The fact that is an egg is not stated in the rhyme. I was actually a riddle. But since it became popular it was no more a riddle but a rhyme for children. A short, clumsy person humpty dumpty had fall and irrrepairable damage.

Harry potter is a great commercial success of this century. The story is mostly set at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, an academy for young wizards and witches. The success of the novels has made Rowling the highest-earning novelist in history.

Dracula is one of the most famous and a few centuries old vampire characters in literary history. Dracula is an Renowned novel written by Bram Stoker. Dracula possesses great powers .He can take forms of an animal, control the weather, and he is stronger than twenty men. However his power is limited. He is a powerless during day and becomes vicious only during night. The creator is highly creative to define such a character. Its “do's and don'ts”!! There are a few movies created with this character. The novel derives its source from diary entries, telegrams, and letters from the characters, as well as fictional clippings from the Whitby and London newspapers.The first Dracula-movie was produced in 1930 with Bela Lugosi acting as Dracula It was then directed by Tod Browning. Dracula ucks the blood of humans and convert them into vampires. In 1931,Dracula was released with Baltasar Fernández Cué being the script writer and Carlos Villarías as DráculaLater again in 1958, 1979 ,1992 , Dracula was produced and it became a commercial success.

James bond has been A Legacy Of Excellence and an action hero of all times. James bond is a fictional Secret Intelligence Service agent of the British featured in many novels, Songs, Cartoons and movies. Cubby Broccoli produced most of James bond films. License To Kill, GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, Die Another Day, Casino Royale best known from the EON Productions film series. James Bond novel was first written by Ian Fleming.Exotic equipment and vehicles are very popular elements of James Bond's movies and novels and its become a craze among many.

Spiderman is the world's most popular and commercially sucessful charecters. A number of movies, games are created based on spiderman. Spider-Man's most infamous and dangerous enemies are generally considered to be the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and Venom.Guess the creator of this superhero??Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Creating a character takes time -- time spent thinking about how your characters look (appearance), where they're from, and what motivates them, its voice, list of likes and dislikes etc.
Its takes a creative Genius to do it!!!

Bee – Movie review

It's a goofy but wispy concept, one hardly developed in ways that charge the emotions or one's sense of justice.The characters were cute . It's goal is to make you laugh, and little beyond that.There is a plot — the usual big, elaborate story with the usual important messages about saving the planet, living together in interspecies harmony and believing in yourself — but it’s a little beside the point. The real fun is the insect shtick.

The plot begins like every other animated movie made in the past 10 years. Jerry Seinfeld, who co-wrote and produced the film, lends his patented nasal-voiced skepticism to Barry B. Benson, a Central Park hive dweller buzzing for adventure. Barry B. Benson, who has reached the stage in his accelerated bug lifestyle when he must choose a career. The hive where he lives is a highly regimented place, where the bees, conditioned by 27 million years of evolution, work without a break in the same job for their whole lives.

Benson is a plucky young honeybee who can't fit in because he doesn't want to have the same mundane task for the rest of his life. He ventures to New York City, meets a florist (Zellweger) and yadda-yadda-yadda they're suing the human race for illegally selling all the bees' honey.

It's when Barry tags along with them that Bee Movie comes alive. As he flies into the air, the world outside looks so whizzy and strange — acid-trip flashes of sky, leaves, and blinding sun — that it's as if Barry were being reborn.The scene where Barry gets up in the morning, deliberates before picking a yellow-and-black-striped sweater off a rack hung with a dozen identical options, then sharpens his stinger like a pencil is creative.

Seinfeld's talent occasionally surfaces. But considering he wrote one of the hippest and funniest TV shows in history, there's a surprising amount of corniness and laziness in the dialogue, as if each writer was paid by how many bee-related puns they could come up with.As lighthearted humor with playful animation, and a great ending song, the film is great to watch.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How To Strengthen Your Resume

A resume is a condensed format of personal achievements and qualifications. It is the initial communication with a potential employer. A good resume is the first step in identifying and pursuing a career opportunity. The most important consideration when drafting a resume is to determine whether it will create the desired impression on a recruiter, enough for him to schedule an interview.

A resume is essentially a mode of communication between the candidate and the employer. It is expected to effectively communicate the candidate's achievements and strengths. The resume should be planned and documented in such a way that it highlights every important detail that is relevant to the job at hand. It should make available, at a glance, a complete picture of the candidate and the special skills and abilities he has to offer the organization.

Differentiate Yourself
There is a difference between a resume for a sales job and one for a management position. In order to make the resume effective, the candidate should highlight his areas of interest, achievements, skills and abilities, in line with the job being applied for. While a salesperson should emphasize sales volume and targets achieved, an academic should emphasize his academic achievements and special honors received. The abilities and special achievements should be highlighted in a way that the candidate's profile and the job requirements match perfectly.

Making An Impression
The most significant part of a resume is the top quarter. This part offers details on the identity of the candidate and his professional qualifications at a glance. A powerful headline helps in defining and distinguishing a candidate from others. The headline should be followed by information on special skills and expertise that makes him suitable for that particular position. The headline and details should be job specific and easily modified. The personal details furnished should be complete, leaving no room for a lapse in communication if you are chosen for the job.

Market Yourself
Marketing yourself and selling your ability to execute the duties assigned to the best of your ability is very important and should be kept in mind while drafting the resume. A candidate should be able to promote himself. After highlighting the academic and other achievements, you should sell personal achievements that distinguish you from the other contenders. Your efforts that highlight the leadership qualities in you should be mentioned. Knowledge of regional or foreign languages adds value, especially if the job involves national or overseas travel.

The Last Opportunity
The cover letter is an opportunity to impress the employer with your writing skills. The cover letter should be drafted in a way that it markets your abilities and suitability for the position. It should be a sincere effort to offer your services to the organization and should provide a brief snapshot of what you have to offer.
Your resume provides you with an opportunity for an interview with the employer. You should address your resume, complete with a cover letter, to a particular person rather than just a department. This ensures that the resume reaches the person in charge of recruiting, rather than in the in-box of a department. It is also the safest way of making sure that the resume and enclosed photocopies, if any, are not misplaced.

Graphic Design - Basics

What is graphic design?
Graphic design is the use of graphic elements and text to communicate an idea or concept. You have probably seen examples of graphic design without even knowing it.
You see graphic design on t-shirts, billboards, TV and of course, the computer.
There are different aspects of graphic design and different principals that make up graphic design. So what are they?

Principals of Graphic Design
What are the principals of graphic design?
Design is meant to be informative and purposeful. Design is a process and it uses visual language to convey a message. Color theory, composition and layout, perspective and typography all play an important part in graphic design. Color theory involves the qualities of color, color models, basic color harmonies and color contrasts. Composition and layout involves the elements of design and leading the viewer's eye. Using formal layout systems can help with the design.Perspective involves the 3D illusion, 1 point perspective, 2 point perspective and 3 point perspective.
Typography includes type anatomy, classifications, families and also measurements.

Graphic Design and the Internet
When you think of graphic design, you may get images of web page designers and internet geeks. Well, web design is the most common form of graphic design these days. But it's a high-paying and popular job. With more and more web sites popping up every day and more and more companies needing websites, there is no shortage of web designers needed. So there is always work for a good graphic designer. As you can tell, graphic design is certainly needed in today's economy. It is a job that plays a big role and supports many different venues of business and society. If you want to learn more about graphic design, you can check your local library for books and you can always look it up on the internet for vast amounts of information.

George Melly , British jazz singer dies at 80

British jazz star George Melly has died on Thursday at his home in London at the age of 80, his wife Diana said in a statement. The singer and writer was also a lecturer on art history, specializing in Surrealism, as well as a film and television critic.

Melly had been suffering from lung cancer but refused all treatment. He also developed dementia. His last appearance was a performance in June at London's renowned 100 Club in aid of a dementia charity.

Melly’s wife said in a statement: "For 60 years he has been an acclaimed, popular and much-loved performer."

Melly, wit, anecdotist and writer as well as jazz singer, was the author of three acclaimed volumes of autobiography in which he wrote frankly about his bisexuality and heavy drinking.
The latest volume, published as he approached his 80th birthday, was called "Slowing Down."
A nonpareil showman habitually bedecked in loud suits and a jaunty fedora, Melly was a man of many careers, switching in the 1960s to become film and television critic for The Observer. Melly also lectured on art history, especially surrealism, and wrote the script for the Flook cartoon strip in Britain's Daily Mail newspaper.

"As a surrealist, I quite enjoy having dementia," he once gagged, making light of his disabilities.
Melly, whose singing style was strongly influenced by his idol, American Blues singer Bessie Smith, returned to jazz in the 1970s, performing with John Chilton's Feetwarmers.